Tesla & EV Charging in North Lakes

Welcome to our comprehensive map of electric vehicle charging stations in North Lakes, Queensland. This interactive tool is an indispensable resource for EV owners, whether you’re a local resident or visiting attractions like Lake Eden or Westfield North Lakes. Our map makes it easy to locate charging stations, helping you plan your journey confidently in this environmentally-conscious neighbourhood. Experience worry-free electric vehicle ownership in North Lakes, Queensland.

North Lakes Charging Stations Map & Legend

  • Green charging stations are general public chargers that have been installed by business or government.
  • Orange charging stations are are high power public chargers that are generally CHAdeMO, CCS/SAE Combo or Tesla Superchargers
  • Grey charging stations are locations that are currently in use/full

North Lakes EV Charging FAQs

How much does each charger cost?

The cost to charge your vehicle at each location can be found by clicking on the pin icon. Prices vary from a fixed fee to variable rates based on time depending on the charger and who owns each location.

What is the green score next to each location?

The green score is a rating given by other users of the charging station. Similar to a Google maps review score a higher score (10) indicates a more positive experience from users while a lower score (1) is the opposite. Check-in’s and general comments don’t impact the overall score.

How do I know if the charging location is compatible with my car?

The ports section of each charging location will list the types of plugs that are available. Consult your owners manual to see if they’re compatible with your vehicle.

More about North Lakes, Queensland

Located just north of Brisbane, North Lakes, Queensland offers various popular driving destinations suitable for an electric vehicle. One of the most popular is a trip to the Sunshine Coast, which boasts stunning beaches, national parks, and unique shopping experiences. The journey is approximately 75km, making it well within the range of most electric vehicles. Sunshine Coast also has numerous electric vehicle charging stations, so you don’t have to worry about running out of battery power.

Another exciting destination is the city of Brisbane. Just a short 26km drive south from North Lakes, Brisbane is one of Australia’s most vibrant and fast-growing cities. It has a bustling arts scene, world-class restaurants, and many cultural attractions like the Queensland Museum and South Bank Parklands. The city is very EV-friendly, with numerous charging stations available throughout. Both these destinations are not only scenic but also ensure that you can enjoy the journey in your electric vehicle without any range anxieties. Source: Wikipedia / Google

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