Electric Vehicle Charging in Dandenong North

Welcome to our interactive map of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in Dandenong North, Victoria. This comprehensive tool is designed to guide EV drivers through the scenic Dandenong Ranges and bustling EastLink Motorway, ensuring a smooth and sustainable journey. We’ve included high-speed charging stations at key locations like Dandenong Plaza and local parks. Embrace the future of transportation with us and explore Dandenong North’s EV-friendly environment today!

Map Legend for Dandenong North Charging Stations

  • Green = L1/L2 chargers for the general public (installed by business/government)
  • Orange = High power locations (eg: Tesla Superchargers) available to the general public
  • Grey = ev charging stations are currently full

Dandenong North EV Charging FAQs

What is the cost of charging at each location?

Pricing information can be found by clicking on any location in the map above. Please note that pricing information for Dandenong North is submitted by other users, so we can’t guarantee it’s accuracy.

What is the green number to the left of each Dandenong North charging location?

The green score is a rating given by other users of the charging station. Similar to a Google maps review score a higher score (10) indicates a more positive experience from users while a lower score (1) is the opposite. Check-in’s and general comments don’t impact the overall score.

Which locations are tesla compatible?

Clicking the pin for any location will reveal the types of plugs available. At some locations there are multiple charging plugs available. You may also wish to read the description as some users provide further information on charging plugs in that section.

More about Dandenong North, Victoria

One popular destination for electric vehicle drivers from Dandenong North, Victoria is the city of Melbourne, which is approximately 33 km away. Melbourne is an ideal destination for a day trip as it offers a variety of attractions such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, National Gallery of Victoria, and the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Moreover, Melbourne has numerous electric vehicle charging stations scattered throughout the city, ensuring that you can conveniently recharge your vehicle during your visit.

Another interesting driving destination is the Phillip Island Nature Park, located about 105 km away. Famous for its Penguin Parade, Koala Conservation Centre, and beautiful beaches, Phillip Island makes for an exciting day out. The island also has a few charging stations where you can recharge your electric vehicle. This ensures that you can enjoy the scenic drive and the island’s attractions without worrying about running out of charge. Both Melbourne and Phillip Island are easily reachable from Dandenong North and are great options for electric vehicle owners looking for a short getaway. Source: Wikipedia / Google

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